November 17, 2008

November 11, 2008

Section 60

Section 60 is the area where our soldiers who have died most recently (unfortunately) are buried. These soldiers are young and older, but none are old.

I watched a documentary called Section 60, and it was possibly the most depressing thing I have ever watched. It was on HBO, and once I figured out what was going on, I kept thinking I should change the chanel, but I couldn't. Everything was real. The documentary kept cutting back to cemetary workers digging grave after grave, then to mourning parents, widows/widowers, children, etc.

As much as I like the attractions in D.C., after watching the documentary I don't think I can ever see that as a place where I can go as a tourist attraction. Not when I've seen a father sleeping next to his son's grave, a wife crying over her fallen husband, a husband crying over his fallen wife, a man drinking beer with his 20 year old brother-in-law, and children who only know their father as a tombstone, and nothing more. Arlington is not just a place where soldiers are laid to rest who died a 100 years ago. It is a current reality, and a depressing reality.

People who have lost a loved one, do very interesting things. Things that may seem irrational to an outsider, but the ones who have lost, have formed a community. In their community they understand the pain of their loss.

I don't think I can do the documentary justice in words. I feel as though, one does not have to support the war to support the soldiers. And this documentary proves it.