January 31, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

I don't know why I didn't see this movie a month ago when I had the opportunity in San Diego, but better late than never.

My next purchase will be the soundtrak...no doubt about it.

January 28, 2009


Should an LGBTQ club/organization be allowed in a middle school setting?

I don't understand how it is difficult to understand the concept of a middle school child knowing if they are LGBTQ.

The concept of a girl liking a boy is apparently easy and the concept of a boy liking a girl is apparently easy.

So why cant LGBTQ middle schoolers know about their sexuality?

Why would you doubt their competance to understand what they do and do not like?

Give kids more credit. The problem with adults is they often times do not remember what it is like to be a kid because they have spent so much time trying to be an adult.

January 14, 2009

the mentality

men*tal*i*ty: the set of one's mind; view; outlook

Today was a true test of mentality in comparison to the mentality of my kids at work.
Today more than ever I wished that we were more alike than different.
Today I did not appreciate our differences, but literally, hated them.
Today I blamed Charleston and all its twisted misfortunes for the Charleston mentality that is within my kids.

There was a fight.

There have been plenty, but none have impacted me as much as this one has, and I'm not sure why. Whenever my kids get into a fight with one another I view it as a poor reflection on my character and my ability to be a WINGS Leader. I have high expectations for my kids which consequently stresses me out because often times they don't meet them as I wish they would. But I refuse to lower my standards because the world isn't going to give them any favors.

But...there was a fight between two my kids.I run over to pull the other one off of the other.I then notice that three boys (who are older) just sat there and watched, who I then gave an earful. It was all a blur, but from what I understand I was shaking and completely out of character.

I HATE that I had to become like that.
I HATE this community these kids have to live in make them believe they have to physically fight to prove themselves.
I HATE this community that won't allow these kids to be kids.
I HATE that they feel like they can't stand up for someone out of the kindness of their heart without being persecuted.
I HATE it.

I want to take them away and show them that there is a world out there where being a kid and living a kid's life is possible. It upsets me that I feel that most of them will not get the opportunities they deserve. It upsets me that eventually the badge and blue lights will be the end all be all.I feel as if working at Chicora is a learning experience, but a mistake. I'm still in school and haven't had a chance to teach, and I'm already getting burned out by my work. I haven't had the chance to the civil servant I strive to be.

January 13, 2009


I'm starting to get into sneakers more and more, and not just Converse.

But, I'm too cheap to buy them. I wish I weren't.

These are pretty cool. I think.
Channel Zero.