April 29, 2009

This song is catchy, but...when I think about what it means, it kinda tears at some of my morals. I hate that music has messages in it that I don't necessarily agree with, but my foot manages to tap to the beat. It spills into dancing and such, which I've already had my tangent about, but it is what it is. I'm sure I'll continue to listen to the music, possibly look further into Kid Cudi's stuff, and continue to cringe and tap my foot at the same time.

April 24, 2009

April 23, 2009

HBO: Brave New Voices

My next few posts I'm sure will be me obsessing over spoken word and Brave New Voices. It's easy to spend a lot of time on YouTube watching video after video. A lot of time being blown away, or sometimes being disappointed, but I think that's all a part of the experience.
But, I'm okay with that. :-)

So a bit back I put a B. Yung spoken word performance on a blog, and it's the same poem that's featured on his page on the HBO page.

"I can't stomach being whipped and or being stripped because the color of my skin so every time I write a slave poem my paper bleeds."

There are six Brave New Voices Teams for me to dive into, and I think I'm going to surface with a new excitement and possibly an inspiration to write.

April 19, 2009

Apparently, Russell Simmons is producing Brave New Voices on HBO.
It'll be younger spoken word artists that are featured. I'm excited because I continue to deepen my obsession with spoken word. It saddens me that I do not write myself, but that can always change.

Joshua Bennett is a part of the show, and I got to see him at the World Poetry Slam this past December. He didn't perform Tamara's Opus there, but his other work is awesome as well.

"Just listen as I play you a symphony on the strings of my heart made for no other ears on this Earth but yours."

April 18, 2009

From the first time someone says, Who do you think you are? we learn how to repress.

--Lauryn Hill

April 16, 2009

"It's like watching the 700 Club and the Weather Channel at the same time."
--Stephen Colbert

April 14, 2009

Pope, in Africa, Says Condoms Aren't the Way to Fight H.I.V.

This video (link below) takes on the point that the Pope is against condoms, but Jesus would be fine with them. I think it is a hot topic, and it all depends on individual beliefs and personal values.


April 12, 2009


I was watching Mary Poppins over the weekend, and before it really started I blurted to my sister "Mrs. Banks is a suffragette!" I think I was a bit too happy about that, but, I love watching children's movies and seeing things that I didn't see as a child.

I found it interesting that Michael and Ellen are some of the worst behaved kids and their mother is a feminist. I asked myself in 1964 was Disney trying to say that feminist mummy=out of control children. Hence the point of the movie, Mary Poppins had to come in and turn their behavior around, the family dynamic, etc.

Mrs. Banks is also very wishy-washy. She believes in women's rights but always lets Mr. Banks overshadow her and make the "important" decisions. His ego is more important than her beliefs which are crucial enough for her to sing a song about. I find it interesting that although Mr. Banks literally spends 3 minutes with his kids a day (do the math, it's in his first song), and shooes them off whenever they enter the room, he is able to make choices for them and the family. Family roles...not always the best idea ever created.

Nonetheless, I love me some Mary Poppins.

April 4, 2009

The Club

Last night some friends and I went to Purple Tree on the market. As much as I like to have fun, I don't always like the message in the music. It's a constant struggle that I have between my morals and fun. Although, it seems like it would be an easy pick, it isn't.

All night long my friends and I listen to songs with lines like...

"Sucking on my titties like you wanted me..."
SIDEBAR: It's usually what happens when the song comes on. Guys think they have the right to your body, meaning they believe they can touch wherever they please. Most have the audacity to become upset whenever you divert their hands or walk away.

"You want this money, then you gotta be a bad bitch
Shake that ass from the tip if you a bad bitch
Drop it down to the floor if you a bad bitch"

"Blow my whistle bitch"

Then...the DJ put on a song that had a woman singing something along the lines of ...
"I don't want a man with a short dick"
With a catchy beat and all I might add. But instantaneously, the mood in the club changed. Guys became uncomfortable and stopped dancing with girls, they completely lost interest.

I find it humorous that for a short time they were uncomfortable and uneasy. The majority of the music in the club in someway objectifies women, but we continue to dance to it. There are times when certain songs come on and I will not dance, but imagine if every female did that, who would the guys dance with? Certainly not themselves, since I know, and I'm sure you know that heterosexual guys have a tendency to stray away from demonstrating any characteristics of a homosexual. (When I say "characteristics of homosexual[s]" I don't mean any stereotypes, but I mean, for example, kissing one another. Girls do that a lot, although it doesn't necessarily mean they are lesbians...that is what lesbians do. I hope that makes sense.)

Anyway, back to the point. The guys stopped dancing. They had been objectified. It was like they couldn't perform (no parallel intended to sex...but then again yes). Females who hear and listen to objectifying music continuously are expected to dance and participate. Whenever we may refuse, then something is wrong with us, when in actuality, it may just be you. If we don't want you touching us or have to listen to you moaning...then that should be okay.

There are plenty of arguments and view points that could pursue when it comes to women, dancing, and sexuality, but in this instance, this is what I saw and is my reality.