September 30, 2009


I had a serious conversation about graduate and doctoral programs.
Serious like, well I guess I should start doing the research, because I'll be applying soon, serious.

Ph.D. by 30, no?

September 28, 2009

Just finished reading this for my Gandhi and King history course. Until now, I haven't been too informed on Gandhi's beliefs, but I'm glad that I am being thoroughly exposed to them. Short quotes and posters on your wall for the heck of it do not do him justice. He's way more than that, and I'm pretty sure I've only chipped away the tip of the iceberg.

September 18, 2009

Recently, I've noticed

that whenever people (men and women) criticize or degrade women it is based on their appearance, but whenever people (men and women) criticize or degrade men it is based on their character.

September 15, 2009


My history class on Gandhi and King is offering a service-learning component. The class is all about perspectives, breaking the habit of passing judgement on other cultures, etc...basically what I'm working on personally.

So two women in our class wanted to work with reproductive rights, except, on two ends of the spectrum. One wanted to work with NOW (National Organization for Women), which supports pro-choice (which is not pro-abortion, by the way) and another wanted to work with Birthright, which is anti-choice or pro-life (whichever perspective you want to use). Ultimately the professor decided against both, because of all the intense political ties that can be associated with both organizations.

Now, the people I usually associate with, use the terms "pro-choice" and "anti-choice," avoiding the term "pro-life," because I'm pretty sure there aren't many people who are "pro-abortion." I've only heard negative things about Birthright, and the limited options they provide women.

Point being, I worked dilligently today to not judge this woman for wanting to work with Birthright, and most likely being anti-choice. Ultimately, what I'm coming to realize, is that it is nearly impossible to leave your personal perspective, feelings, experiences, etc. out of situations when looking at the viewpoints of other people. I think the most important thing is to realize that they are also coming to the table with their personal perspective, feelings, experiences, etc, and being aware of your biases can help prevent judgement and false assumptions

September 13, 2009

Thing I want to do less

Judging others

Maybe because I'm now very well aware of my goal, it's troubling me even more. It's challenging to stop thinking negatively about other people, when it's positively reinforced by other people (i.e. friends). I've pretty much come to the realization that it does not improve my life or add to anyone elses life when I judge other people. Their business is theirs, and my business is mine. I know for sure, I don't want other people worrying about what I'm doing and why, negatively that is.

If I think about conversations I have with certain people in my life, if they stopped negatively talking about people, and I stopped supporting it and participating in it, how much would there be to say? I'm all for only talking when you have something to say, that is purposeful, and judging other people isn't purposeful, meaning you're just spitting out a bunch of BS.

I feel so much more fulfilled with a person if we can have a good time talking about legit stuff. Right now I have so much introspection going on, that I think it's just nearly impossible for me to be content with anyone or anything going on right now. In time it will pass, I'll have made the changes I've wanted, and began to settle in.

September 11, 2009

Things I need/want to do more/less

  1. Judging others (less)
  2. Smile (more)
  3. Stressing about situations I cannot change (less)
  4. Swearing (less)

...those are the most pressing right now

September 6, 2009

I often have things to say, but my life has become consumed with mundane work and obligations, that what I want to say has been stomped into the dust. One of these days I'll recover them.

September 5, 2009

These sketches are of scenes from New York this summer. I thought this one had a striking resemble to Marion Square in Charleston. No?