July 27, 2009

America I Am

I took a trip to Atlanta for a few days, and went to see American I Am: The African American Imprint. I heard that it was only going to be in 5 cities throughout the US, and wanted to take the opportunity.

The exhibit runs chronologically and includes material from all aspects of African-American life and history. My favorite parts were personal items. For example, W.E.B. Dubois' doctoral sash and cap, Frederick Douglass' coat, and Malcolm X's journal. It was interesting to see W.E.B. Dubois' belongings again since I visited his home in Ghana 9 years ago. I'm sure as a 13 year old I didn't grasp the importance of W.E.B. Dubois, but I do appreciate having had that experience. Malcolm X's journal was opened so that visitors could read the passage. The entry was written after his Hajj, and it was captivating to see his handwriting, knowing it came straight from Malcolm X himself.

The final portion was a multimedia show meant as a summary. The show made a parallel between the music of African-Americans and mainstream music, and how it has all been influenced by African-Americans (i.e. music being stolen from African-Americans in the past and made popular by mainstream society).

I'm glad I went, another influential experience.

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