August 25, 2009

Cornel West interviews Lupe Fiasco 2

I haven't had the opportunity to sit and listen to the entire interview yet. Well, what I should really say, is that I haven't had the opportunity to sit, listen, think, and comprehend. I've only made it to about minute 25, and it's an hour long. So far I've heard some interesting tid bits. The quotes I have below really stuck out to me, but are so much better when in context. It is difficult for me to start from my stopping point, because I feel as if I'm missing the whole message. So I'm sure it is going to take me a good while to get through it. I'll have a Cornel West interviews Lupe Fiasco 3, once I finally finish it, or most likely when I get to minute 40. There's a lot of thought provoking information going on, and I'm trying to listen to it all.

"If I change for the worse, I don't want to be remembered. If I change for the better, I just want to be remembered, he did not lead them astray...My fear is to lead astray, to create the cycle, the butterfly effect of me being the role model, of being the example of you doing wrong. I always say if I tell a lie on a record, and I sell a million records, I've told a million lies...those people ingested that, they internalized it."*

"As you grow to become yourself, you are taught by others. You take on concepts from others, from outside, from without. The things that you hold within are very basic. You have the capacities of mind to process things, but when you process process based on something you've learned from someone else. You start to see that the concept of self, to me, is a corrupted concept."**Lupe Fiasco

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