November 3, 2009

Where it comes from...

At this point in time, I'm diligently working to obtain glasses for one of the kids in my group at work. He is legally blind, needs new glasses, but does not have the resources.

His teachers and other individuals at the school are trying to get him the glasses, but it is not working. After speaking with his teacher today, she seems to be willing to take any ideas she can get. So that's what I'm going to do, give her any ideas or actual results I can get.

It is completely unfair that this young child has the inability to see and his family cannot afford what he needs. Of course there are other aspects to this that are out of my control, and out of his control, but my main concern is his health and education.

But, I texted/called my mother and told her about the whole situation. She cried.
Tonight, she told me that she and my father intend to give money, if need be, so that he can get his glasses. They have never met this kid, and most likely never will. All they know is, their daughter is dedicated to this cause and change, and they are willing to help.

My parents and I have different beliefs about many things, but when it comes down to it, we all believe in giving to those who do not have. Not that my life (or anything for that matter) has come full circle, but I am starting to see where many of morals have come from, and it is reassuring to know that eventually, I will be somewhat like my parents. eek.

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