January 16, 2010

365 Project

365 Project

Recently, I’d decided that I would begin my Project the day of my college graduation.

That day seems monumental enough.


I’m hesitant. Most of my hesitance is due to the fact that I don’t enjoy taking pictures of myself. Regardless that the picture are not necessarily of me, in a sense they will be. The pictures are of choices, places, people, etc that have come (and possibly gone) in my life. If it’s painful do I want to look back at the end and remember it? Do I want to remember the mistake I made that changed me for the better (or worse)?

I’ve heard others say, or I read it someplace, that people take pictures of things they don’t want to forget. I don’t need any help remembering anything I regret.

Then again, that’s just the idealistic realist in me. I’m sure May 8, 2010 will roll around, and I will start my Project with conviction. Unaware of the events to come that I’ll document, important or not. It'll be a good time to live what Emerson said "write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year."

We'll see.

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