May 22, 2010

Give it or I'll take it

This past week I was in Philadelphia. Everything went well, and I'm glad I have pictures to actually post for my 365 Challenge.

I'm sure I've posted on this topic before, but quite some time ago, so I'll do it again regardless. Last night (Friday), I went out to "the club" with my friend. It was interesting to say the least. I don't think the ridiculously raunchy dancing/clothing was offensive, it was the implications and environment they created. Since I was upstairs looking down on the dance floor, there were a lot of males pulling and yanking on females. There were directing females to dance with their male friends or pushing the females' bodies into positions they thought desirable for dancing. I'm not saying it's all the males fault, because the females allowed it, and went along with it. I kept wondering why the females felt as if it was necessary to dance that way/dress that way in order to get attention. Then I realized, it was necessary. To get attention they had to wear minimal clothing and dance "sexy," because I witnessed many of dances get turned down because it didn't meet the expectations of the male. Consequently, I saw two naked butts, a female dancing around in her bra, and thongs for days.

With all that going on it creates a "give it or i'll take it" kind of environment, I can't think of another way to describe it. Everything was very aggressive and demanding. Calling my experience sexual harassment may or may not be appropriate, regardless my space was invaded and I was more than irritated when all was said and done.

As I'm standing against the railing, enjoying my drank, minding my business, watching the events on the first floor, a heavy frame presses against me, trapping me between his body and the railing. Considering the discrepancy in our sizes, there was no possible way for me to move or attempt get away. Before I know it he's in my ear trying to convince me that I should dance with him.

Him: [rushes up on me] "How you gonna let your friend dance like that and not join her?"
Me: "I don't want to dance"
Him: "Your man watching?"
Me: "I don't want to dance"
Him: [while pushing his weight on me more] "Girl, stop playing"

Since I was in a vulnerable position it was difficult for me to physically push him off of me. The best I could do was awkwardly use my hand to push on his stomach. When my friend realized that I wasn't dancing with this guy, she stopped dancing to pull him off of me. It shouldn't take all of that to let him know that I didn't appreciate him invading my personal space, especially uninvited. The issue comes in with "no." This wasn't one of those "I'm telling you no, but I really want you to" type of situations. I wasn't playing with you, I wasn't giggling, batting my freaking eyelashes, etc etc (whatever the hell) and I was physically attempting to close you off. Eff off.

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