June 11, 2008

Boy loves boy and girl loves girl

As many of us know, California joined in on allowing same-sex marriage. I find that most people are either strongly anti- or pro- gay marriage. (note pic below) I find it unnecessarily prejudice and an example of my former comment.

Anyway, an article in the New York Times covered gender in marriage, which is not a new issue, but consistently a problem.
"Notably, same-sex relationships, whether between men or women, were far more egalitarian than heterosexual ones. In heterosexual couples, women did far more of the housework; men were more likely to have the financial responsibility; and men were more likely to initiate sex, while women were more likely to refuse it or to start a conversation about problems in the relationship. With same-sex couples, of course, none of these dichotomies were possible, and the partners tended to share the burdens far more equally."

There is much more to the article. My point is that everyone could learn from homosexual couples, I find it that many people tend to focus on the fact that they are homosexual instead of the positives and the qualities within their relationship. Like...love.

1 comment:

Joliene said...

You know, I never thought of that... how same-sex relationships would completely dispell stereotypes about how men and women approach relationships because the couples aren't placed into such artificial dichotomies. Awesome. And fine choice of image :)

I went to the SF Pride Parade this year. It had such an energy because of the recent decision of our state to legalize gay marriage. One of the most hopeful days I've had...
