June 3, 2010

and it all comes full circle...

I love that phrase. I love when it just slips right off my tongue at the most appropriate time in the most appropriate situations. I have no idea of the reasoning, but it's lovely when it fits.

and it all comes full circle...

I'm back in the dorm of my freshman year. A room similar to the one I shared with my Hello Kitty obsessed high school companion, "raunchy" suitemates, and my self discovery. I'm a counselor for a program emphasizing the importance of college for first generation students. Oh how the things have changed.

After sitting in this room alone for a few hours my mind began to race. The person who I have become, is who I wish I could have been starting college. I can think of a slew of ways that I have changed since the beginning of college, but listing would take more than I'm willing to give right now. Things would have been extremely different. Consequently, life lessons would have been different, molding me into another person. College gave me the opportunity to branch out, to be brave, in a sense. I lived in a sheltered home, and I wasn't given the chance to make the mistakes many of my peers did when I was in high school. Granted I am safe, overthinking plans and choices to make sure I won't regret my choice and loathw my consequences. Nevertheless, when the end of my college senior year rolled around, I felt like I was just getting it, I was just becoming comfortable with the idea of me, only to have my world turned upside down and to be presented with unfamiliarity and insecurities once again.

So actually, I'm not sure that anything has "come full circle" for me yet. There is no sense of closure, and I haven't been able to pinpoint the most important lessons I've had from this experience. I imagine when I become a member of the "real world" I'll appreciate the skills I've acquired, the people I have met, etc etc etc.

*shrug* We'll see.

i don't feel like proofreading.

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