July 15, 2010

Medicine for Melancholy

It's been a while since I've heard about this film, and I'm not quite sure what took me so long to finally watch it. Overall I enjoyed it and I found that many aspects seemed realistic. It highlights a different "type" of African-American/Black, and I appreciated that more than I thought I would. The social issues weaved within the film made it more than about romance. Although I knew how it would end, I still thought it was worth seeing how they got there.

Someone pointed out to me that it seemed as if it were missing something, something that 500 Days of Summer had. I'm not sure what I believe about that, because both, 500 Days of Summer and Medicine for Melancholy, elicited different emotions and thoughts. Nevertheless, I enjoyed both, and I dare say I'm watching it again as I type.

p.s. I'm noooo film critic.

1 comment:

Don said...

It must have been meant for me to visit your blog today. I just wrote about how I was looking to find this film tomorrow after it (and Fire) were recommended.

Wow. What a world.